How to eat better and spend less

By Cornelius Nunev

Most American employees have not seen a wage increase in some time. But the price of everything continues to fill. Some food costs have soared as a result of global warming, drought and political factors. But customers can take some good steps to significantly decrease those food expenses, and eat better concurrently.

First food price cut

When you go out to eat, you do not know what is in your meal and it is oftentimes really unhealthy. If you cook and eat at home, it is usually much healthier. You will also save a ton of money.

You can always get a crockpot and just throw in beef and vegetables before you go to work for a stew whenever you get home. This works well for those who do not have time to cook.

Good beef really expensive

Instead of making beef the center of every meal, you can just put it into your food or have a vegetarian meal once a week. You will get much healthier and possibly lose weight with the change. Do not go vegan, but try reducing back just a little.

Say no to organic

Some people swear by the health advantages of organic foods, but there is little evidence to support those claims. Regardless, organically grown items are always more expensive than the commercially grown goods in the produce section. You might also consider using frozen instead of fresh vegetables. They are cheaper, they keep longer and are just as nutritious.

Watered body significant

Keep your body hydrated at all expenses by drinking a ton of water. Do not waste cash on water bottles; just get filtered tap water. That is generally the cheapest way to go. You will avoid all the additional calories associated with soda pop and sugary drinks, and you will stay replenished.

Those planning to save money on alcohol should only drink it socially and never drink it at home. That is another way to reduce back.

Limit commercially prepared food

There are many people who like commercially prepared foods, but they are pretty expensive and not very healthy. Just make food at home from scratch.

Get a menu prepared

Every pay day, check out what you have left in the pantry. Then plan out your meals for the next two weeks (or whatever the length of time between your paychecks), starting with the items you have on hand. Then make a list of what you still have to prepare those prepared meals. Go to the store and close your eyes when going past the come-on items on the end caps. Impulse buying is deadly. Stick to the list and only the list, using coupons and being thrifty in your brand selection. Generic is typically just as good as name brands.

To further decrease shopping costs, you might want to consider getting a membership to a warehouse store like Costco or Sam's Club.

Make lunches at home

It is really healthy to make homemade lunches rather than going out to eat, so do that whenever possible.

Think to the future

Plant a garden and find others who do the same. After your harvest, you can swap produce with your brand new friends and start saving even more cash.

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